Students, Teachers, Parents, and Administrators Tackle Sexual Harrassment

Monday, February 4, 2008 marks the third annual “National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week’.  Beginning Monday, students across the country will begin campaigns bringing to light this reality among our children.  Sadly, this reality has been an unnoticed problem for a long time.

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) a reported 9% of American teens reported they have been physically hurt by their boyfriend or girlfriend.  Even more frightening is the way technology is being used to stalk, intimidate and abuse our children.  Many teens are embarrassed to admit this is going on and it goes unreported. 

As parents, educators, and law enforcement, it is our responsibility to teach our children that violence and dating is not ok, to identify what is acceptable behavior, and what to do if they do not like how they are being treated.  We need to give them the tools to stay safe and date safe! 

Here are some great links for more information: and

SHARE In the "Comments" section what students are doing in your area.  If you have ideas for schools, parents, or law enforcement, share with us.


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