Welcome to the Center for Respect
We provide interactive, high energy live virtual and live onsite keynotes, trainings and workshops for creating a culture of respect for all. Topics include overcoming negative societal influences and assumptions, consent, respect, relationships, bystander intervention, supporting survivors, and building healthy relationships .
Our mission is to provide clarity and solutions.
We teach precise “How To” skills each person can implement for creating a culture of respect every day.
We teach:
- The exact steps to take for creating a Culture of Respect in your home, work, and personal life.
- What to do when you witness degradation of any kind and what to teach the next generation to do.
- How to instill a Culture of Respect throughout the workplace.
- How to talk with people of all ages about boundaries, consent, and sexual decision-making.
- The essentials to respect and communicating in marriage and mature relationships.
- How to help a family member or friend who has been sexually assaulted.
- How to share these solutions with others in the community.
After his sister was sexually assaulted in 1989, our Founder, Mike Domitrz, became committed to reducing sexual violence from ever happening to others. He soon began speaking out. In 2003, Mike created what is now The Center for Respect and became committed to creating a Culture of Respect for all.

The core team of The Center for Respect continues to be:
Logistics & Bookkeeping
Speaker, Author, & President
In a world where people are constantly being told “What Not To Do,” The Center for Respect understands that the most effective and proven approach is to give people positive how-to skills and helpful insights for specific actions they can take for building a culture of respect in their lives and in the lives of others.
- Provide interactive, skills-based live trainings and programs.
- Create original educational and training materials (books, videos, curriculum, posters, clothes, etc…). Check out our online store.
- Host LIVE multi-day training events for helping other trainers strengthen their own skill sets for making a greater impact in their community and/or organization.
- An Online Training Center packed with on-demand videos for teaching the skill sets we share with the world at our live events.
- Providing links to needed resources.
- Teaching the importance of all genders and identities working jointly to make an impact!
- Responding quickly to national news stories; media programs; and societal trends concerning consent, bystander intervention, sexual assault awareness, and building a culture of respect. By providing leading experts, we give the media a new and thought-provoking voice.
The Core Values of The Center for Respect
- Respect is at the foundation of each interaction, choice, and action we take.
- Ask and respect the answer.
- Do no harm.
- Pursue the growth, fulfillment, and well-being of each person.
- Appreciate and Honor Family and the Team
- Have Fun Advancing Our Mission.
- Seek Opportunities that FIT Our Unique Abilities.
- Be grateful and communicate gratitude throughout our relationships.
Let’s Build Mutually Amazing Relationships in Every Area of Our Lives.
Our Logo
The Center for Respect logo was inspired by the Triskelion which has had many different symbolizations throughout the history of human existence.
We chose the Triskelion for its representation of forward and ongoing progress!! The inner most circle is the core of Respect - where everything else starts and flows from. We love the 3 forces from within that move the triskelion. For the Center for Respect, those 3 forces are empathy, mutuality, and consistency. The outer circle represents a positive force for never-ending transformation for us and those we serve.

Our Founder, Mike Domitrz (author, subject matter expert, and Hall of Fame Speaker), is brought in by organizations across the globe to speak and help transform the lives of their audiences. In addition to sharing on stages and in classrooms, you can catch Mike on podcasts, in publications, and on TV & Radio shows – sharing the lessons we teach with the world here at The Center for Respect. You might have seen Mike as a featured expert on Dateline NBC’s special series “My Kid Would Never Do That.” As you continue to visit our website, we invite you to participate. Join our mission to make a positive impact for all genders and identities around the world and subscribe to our show; The "Mutually Amazing" Podcast: Exploring Work, Love, & Life