Middle Schools & High Schools

Create a culture of respect before it's too late.

Welcome to the school assembly for reducing sexual assault, increasing bystander intervention, supporting survivors, and teaching healthy relationships (including boundaries and consent) led by author and Hall of Fame Speaker, Mike Domitrz.

Get a program with a proven track record of excellence spanning 3 decades:

Over 94% of students commit to positive behavioral change after experiencing this assembly.

What would it look like if every student's boundaries were respected at all times?

Help your students learn essential "How To" skills and the importance of:

Boundaries &
Asking First

Students will learn why Asking First and “Respecting the Answer” is the key to respecting boundaries, consent, healthy relationships, and safer decision-making.

Bystander Intervention

Students will discover precise steps for intervening when they witness any sexual degradation (from harassment to sexual assault) - including when a peer uses alcohol & other drugs at parties to do so.


Help more students who are survivors feel safe coming forward by being equipped with the exact words to say and to know which resources to share with them.

One of the leading experts for helping schools create a culture of consent & respect, Mike Domitrz shares critical skill sets proven to produce long-term impact for your students.

Schools having been bringing Mike to share with their students for 3 decades!!

I can't recall an assembly that was more well received on such a relevant topic to the lives of young people in my 29 years in public education...
Michael J. Droll
Tipton High School (IA)

Are you ready to create a culture of consent & respect throughout your school?

Choose from the following programs:

**All of our programs can also be provided online (live) and in-person.**

"SAFER Choices" Assembly

Ignite a conversation that gives each student specific how-to skills for creating a culture of respect in relationships.

Parent Program

Help your parents gain essential skills and strategies for addressing awkward and yet vitally important discussions with their students.

"RESPECT" Assembly

An interactive assembly experience for students to learn how to build a culture of respect for everyone in all aspects of life.

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