Explore meaningful conversations with Adair Cates and Mike Domitrz.
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The mantra that drives me and keeps me centered is the famous Gandhi quote: ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world.’
Not only does it drive me personally, but it fuels my professional quest to help you and your team be the greatest version of yourselves, so you can make a memorable impact in the world. I do this by facilitating connective conversations and asking empowering questions that help you …
…Focus on your strengths … Expand your thinking …
…Break through emotional blocks and … Establish powerful new routines.
I help your team through this transformation by serving as your heartfelt accountability partner. I say heartfelt because, like you, I’m a work in progress myself. Always looking to improve! Maybe that’s why my clients say I bring out the best in them and their teams.
I’m all about business cultures that amp up creativity, develop interpersonal connectivity, and build a collective genius that leads to greater cooperation and productivity.
The XChange methodology I use leads to impactful results that include:
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- Lively cultures that bring out the best in people
- Creative vibrancy that unlocks group genius
- Intentional psychological safety for team members
- Open Hearts and Minds centered on making a BIG impact in the world
Visit www.XchangeApproach.com and www.FirstLeadYou.com
Mike Domitrz is the founder of The Center for Respect where he helps educational institutions, the US Military and businesses of all sizes create a culture of respect throughout their organizations. From addressing consent to helping corporations build a workplace free from fear (reducing sexual harassment and helping employees thrive by treating them with respect every day), Domitrz engages audiences by sharing skill sets they can implement into their lives immediately. As an author, trainer, keynote speaker and coach, Mike Domitrz loves working with leaders at all levels.