#97 – 20 Minutes in Nature with Mike Domitrz

With all that is going on in the world, what does 20 minutes in a marsh sound like with no one speaking – except the animals singing and talking. Listen in as Mike Domitrz takes us on this simple, relaxing journey. 

LISTEN to the audio of the podcast or WATCH the YouTube video from the actual interview.

LISTEN to the podcast here:

WATCH the YouTube video of Mike and Dr. Jaime Hope:

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Mike Domitrz is the founder of The Center for Respect where he helps educational institutions, the US Military and businesses of all sizes create a culture of respect throughout their organizations. From addressing consent to helping corporations build a workplace free from fear (reducing sexual harassment and helping employees thrive by treating them with respect every day), Domitrz engages audiences by sharing skill sets they can implement into their lives immediately. As an author, trainer, keynote speaker and coach, Mike Domitrz loves working with leaders at all levels. 

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