Are you sharing your voice and your story with the world?
When you realize your voice and your story is a powerful force of love to be shared with others, the world is better off. Your soul is continually filled and rejuvenated through your freedom of self-expression.
You discover love in deeper and more profound ways than ever before. You are fully present in the now.
You are able to hear what others are needing without them telling you. You inspire other souls and minds to new possibilities for living and leading their own life from a place of love and prosperity.
You have a deep sense of precisely who you are and what the moment needs or does not need of you. You are free from feeling the need to control or fix others. You honor and treasure that each person is exactly where they are meant to be. You are are present to what each person’s soul is seeking (now what you seek for them).
When you live your story and honor your voice, happiness is abundant. Fear of failure, humiliation, being judged, or being vulnerable does not stop you from sharing your voice or from taking action. You know you are safe.
When you live your story and share your voice, prosperity surrounds you – for you are in alignment with the energy which connects all of us together . . . Love.
I am grateful for helping my coaching clients find their voice and tell their story to positively impact the world from stages, through writing, in their messaging as leaders, through branding, as parents, and by building mutually amazing relationships throughout their life.
Mike Domitrz