As an educator, you understand the frustration of trying to find classroom materials on dating, relationships, sexual decision-making, and sexual violence that will engage your students and be supported by parents and administrators.
The Ultimate Teacher Pack includes:
- Paperback copy of the Instructor’s Guide
- 30 Paperback copies of the book “Can I Kiss You?”
- “Help My Teen Is Dating!” DVD
- 17 Posters
- 12 Shirts
- “Voices of Courage” Ebook
The Can I Kiss You? Instructor’s Guide gives your students realistic how-to skills for handling the confusing years of being a teenagers and young adult. Through interactive exercises and questions, your students will discover strategies for making smarter and safer decisions for building healthy relationships and for addressing potential intimacy. With over 70 pages of interactive exercises and flexible lesson plans, you can customize the “Can I Kiss You?” – Instructor’s Guide to fit your group’s needs!
The Instructor’s Guide includes:
- Dynamic lesson plans for each of the 10 “Can I Kiss You?” chapters
- Materials Needed
- 10 Icebreaker Activities
- Lesson Overviews and Objectives
- Key Take-Away Vocabulary
- Multiple Chapter Lessons
- 34 Activities
- Chapter Quizzes and Answer Keys
- Notes Sections
- Pre and Post Test Evaluations and Answer Key
- Pre and Post Survey
The curriculum is based on the best selling book for preteens and teenagers titled Can I Kiss You? A Thought-provoking Look at Relationships, Intimacy, and Sexual Assault written by Mike Domitrz (who also created the curriculum). The book is an in-depth look at the positive realities of intimacy and the dangers that exist in the current dating culture. This insightful book full of candid advice, real-life scenarios, and classroom activities is revolutionizing students’ approach to dating & building respect – all while helping address the real risk of sexual assault. This Instructor’s Guide and Curriculum are for classroom use only (no one can use the “Can I Kiss You?” title. Only a program actually given by Mike Domitrz LIVE can be titled “Can I Kiss You?).
Sample the 1st chapter. Click here.
Throughout the book and the Instructor’s Guide, Domitrz provokes conversations between partners – each person taking a close look at behaviors and stereotypes without taking sides. An approach to dating and sexual assault that no other book has ever taken.
Inside the “Can I Kiss You?” Instructor’s Guide:
Concepts & Lessons Discussed: